Is Your Content Helping Your Business Website’s SEO?
Some developers think all they need to do to establish good search engine optimization is to fill their web pages with keyword-rich articles and posts for the search engine bots to devour. While it is true that materials that are relevant to the overall focus or theme of the business are an important part of optimizing a site for the search engines, there’s something to be said for writing something your visitors will actually want to read. Quality over quantity is what all good developers need to remember.
Creating quality content can benefit you in many ways beyond simply optimizing your web pages for the search engines. When you write for your readers you may be surprised to see just how keyword-rich and optimized your articles, tutorials and news items naturally become. Instead of offering contrived, well-plotted, marketing-focused text, your visitors will enjoy reading what you have written and will return again for more.
How do you determine the quality of your offerings? How can you focus on your readers yet still improve your site’s SEO? This article will showcase the three basic criteria that all developers should follow, and how you can use it to create quality materials that will help to improve your ranking, popularity and results in the search engines.
The best thing you can do for your website is to create unique and original items. Why would you fill your pages with someone else’s words when you and your staff are resident experts on your business, your products, your services and your market?
Your original words can help you to establish yourself as a voice of experience, knowledge and authority within your industry, which in turn builds consumer confidence whether you are marketing to B2B businesses or directly to consumers. Search engines reward pages that feature unique text and penalize pages that use duplicate articles. It is in your best interest to only use original content that has been created by you and your staff.
What are you selling? What is the goal of your business? If you are selling products or services to consumers or B2B clients, you need to keep your articles and other text offerings focused on those products and services. At first it may seem that this will limit you to a finite number of topics you can write about, however if you really think it through you will realize that there are a number of related topics you can also discuss.
Everything on your site needs to relate to the main goal and focus of your business. All text, multimedia, social networking posts or anything else you are offering needs to be relevant to what it is that you are selling. Good writing, much like good business, means drawing the reader in and giving them what they want. In the end its about making conversions. Give your customers what they want and you will be providing them with a service they need. Not only will this make your readers happy, but it will also improve your SEO, as your offerings will naturally be focused on the keywords and phrases that are descriptive of your organization.
Creating quality materials for your website means paying attention to the details. All of the text on your site, from the alt tags in your HTML markup to the informative articles and product descriptions you write needs to be well-written. Spelling errors, bad grammar, improper formatting and other mistakes will just make your company look unfocused and unqualified to conduct business professionally.
If you are not a good writer and do not have anyone on your staff that can fit the bill, consider hiring a professional to get the job done right. The text you post needs to be more than just “good enough,” it needs to be great. Think of your words as tools that you can use to establish your brand, prove your company’s ability within the market and make the best first impression to thousands of new visitors every month.
You owe it to your business to establish a professional online presence and to take advantage of all the opportunity the Internet has to offer. For a free consultation and review of your overall site and search engine optimization strategies, contact Fall RIver Website Design at 508-415-8648.